Get A Cleaning Tomorrow with
Trucker Path Core Dental

Benefits Starting at $19.06 per Month, or Less than $0.01 per Mile, Trucker Path Users Only!

Contact Greg with any Questions

trucker driver headed into the sunset
core dental insurance logo

PPO Dentists AND Freedom of Choice

You’re free to visit any licensed dentist. These plans offer members more than 471,000 Ameritas PPO (Participating Provider Organization) access points for dental care nationwide. Ameritas PPO network providers have agreed to charge discounted fees to our members, so you can almost always save money.

Dental Coverage:  Over 300 Services and Procedures

  • Preventive Dental Benefits: Routine exams, bitewings, cleanings, fluoride treatments, sealants, and more.
  • Basic Dental Benefits: Full mouth X-rays, amalgam restoration (silver fillings), simple extractions and more.
  • Major Dental Benefits (on Silver, Gold, Platinum Plans): Onlays, maxillary partial denture – resin base, denture repair, surgical removal of teeth, deep sedation/general anesthesia, endodontics – root canal, periodontal scaling and root planning, crown and crown repairs, pontics – porcelain fused to noble metal, and more.
  • Orthodontia Benefits (on Silver, Gold, Platinum Plans): A benefit available to dependent children of the plan.
  • Teeth Whitening

    Licensed agents are here to help  you make informed decisions so please call 888-978-0315 today!